Transformational Leadership Style 

(Click the Link Below for this Half Hour Radio Interview)

Click on this link for a recent WCKG Rebelpreneur radio interview on Transformational Leadership Styles.

While our original interview was going to be more on personal development, the conversation and interview immediately directed towards leadership development.


PVC3 is one of the Leadership Seminars I put on at UCLA and in the corporate market. Here are the nine core traits (plus one bonus trait that naturally arises from three of the other traits.

  1. Presence
  2. Passion/Purpose
  3. Personal Power
  4. Vision
  5. Values
  6. Velocity
  7. Care
  8. Communicate
  9. Cultivate
    BONUS TRAIT: Charisma (which arises from Presence, Power and Caring – according to Olivia Fox Cabane of Stanford, considered the top charisma expert).

PVC3 Transformational Leadership Styles Training focuses on developing within you the nine traits that a leader must possess. These leaders transform their team, organization and or company into ones that make a profound dent in their world.

Some leadership models focus reaching a threshold of skills necessary to reach a minimal level of leadership, but the PVC3 model is concerned with developing truly transformational leaders.

(CLICK HERE to see another great blog post on transformational leadership.)

What is Leadership?

Leadership is inspiring and showing the way towards a higher or better outcome. Specifically, inspiring and showing how others can believe, behave and achieve at a consistently exceptional level, so as to achieve a shared purpose. The PVC3 leadership model develops people into much more than “base-line” leaders, capitalizing on their few natural leadership strengths. It develops in people those traits truly exceptional leaders must exhibit and at a high and consistent level.

If you’re committed to professional and personal growth, subscribe to my blog and to  my YouTube Channel and you’ll get FREE, ongoing training in Life and Leadership Skills.